
Exploration, in all its forms, shapes various aspects of our lives, yet it's often left out of many discussions about growth and discovery. When we do talk about exploration, we tend to focus on the obvious—adventure and success—overlooking the internal journeys, self-reflection, and moments of personal challenge. This year’s TEDxUCDavis event, UncharTED, centers on how venturing into the unknown can empower us, impact our careers, and cultivate ideas worth spreading. We encourage our community to embrace uncertainty, face their fears, and explore new possibilities to live life with courage and curiosity.


Apply to Be A Speaker Now


We are so excited to announce that our speaker applications for our 2025 Speaker Event, UncharTED!

Share you story or nominate someone who you want to hear speak this year!

Applications close on November 30th, 2024, at 11:59 P.M. You do not have to be affiliated with UC Davis in any way to apply.

What is TEDxUCDavis?

From cows to COVID-19 vaccines, local honey to groundbreaking research and innovation, UC Davis is a thriving bunch of residents, students, doctors, artists, professors, and more. It is fitting that TEDxUCDavis, a TED-based nonprofit, promotes a community of diverse thought, in that its message is emblematic of the Davis community as a whole. TEDxUCDavis hopes to foster talks and inspire discussion that lead its audience to success, happiness, and fulfillment.


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